Sunday, September 19, 2010


How does one hear the call of God for their life? I have a friend, Mark Geppert, who heard the audible voice of God direct him to the mission field. I know others who have heard the call through a prophetic person speaking to them. I have heard others say they had a nagging and pulling in their spirit directing them into their call of ministry.

How does one really know? Regardless of how it comes I believe it comes in alignment with the Word of God and confirms what God has already spoken to the individual. How He speaks to each individual varies and I have learned to never put God in a box. God is God and He can call people however He wants. It varied throughout the Bible and it still varies in our lives today.

The call and direction in my life came subtly and a little differently. Most people look forward to the future when seeking the direction of God for their lives. The Lord had me look backward to help me see how He wanted me to serve Him in ministry.

I stayed in the small Assembly of God Church for about six months. This was in Newport News, Virginia. There was another Assembly of God close by that was experiencing revival and great growth. The church was Bethel Temple Assembly of God in Hampton, Virginia. Someone told me of this revival and invited me to attend with them. I had no idea what revival was or what it looked like at that time. All I knew was that this church was exciting! The pastor was very dynamic and his messages were relevant and life changing. There were multiple services. At the end of every one people would fill the front altar to accept Jesus into their lives. I have never met a preacher since who could give an evangelistic call like this man. He would preach on tithing and then give the call and people would flock to get saved!

I was water baptized and baptized in the Holy Spirit at the small Assembly of God Church. The pastor and his wife were so kind to me. I was feeling guilty when I missed service there to attend Bethel Temple, which was happening more and more. After missing a service one Sunday morning to attend Bethel Temple, the pastor called me to see why I was missing. I felt so badly telling him that I was attending another church. He was such a kind man and said that he was so happy that I was attending the other church. He was relieved to know that I was not backsliding. He told me I should go where I thought I would grow spiritually. He then said if I decided to leave his church that I was welcome back anytime. This humble pastor’s main concern was my growth and not the growth of his church. This was the first pastor/leadership lessons that I learned.

I was attending three services a week at Bethel Temple, Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesdays. I was learning so much. With the church growing so fast the needs in the church were growing, too. Every service they presented opportunities for people to get involved. They never begged for workers or put guilt trips on people. They always presented the needs as great opportunities for people to serve the Lord. For six months I resisted getting involved beyond attending services. My part time real estate career was growing so I really did not see how I could find the time.

The pastor was Daniel Livingston. He was incredible. When he did not preach he had other gifted and anointed speakers. At that time Reinhard Bonnke, Benny Hinn, Benson Idahosa, David Wilkerson, Betty Baxter, John Wimber, James Robison, Ron Luce, Paul Yonggi Cho, Phil Driscoll, Rich Wilkerson and others would preach at the church.

Mike Murdock came to the church for one of the weekend services. During the Sunday evening service he preached about the necessity of every believer to be involved in serving in ministry. He taught that most people look toward the future when seeking God’s direction. He then taught that when God wants to use us, it is usually where we have been used in the past. Where were we effective and what did we enjoy doing as we look back on our lives. He also shared to look past our salvation experience and see what we enjoyed doing throughout our life.

He had an altar call for those who wanted to be prayed for to help them find their place of ministry and service. I did not respond to the call but sat in my seat and started to reflect back on my life and prayed.

What did I enjoy doing? Where was I used and fulfilled in the past? The first thought that came to me was “kids.” I thought of how I enjoyed being with my nieces, nephew and other children. I remembered how the children had so much fun with me. I prayed, “Lord, do you want me to get involved with children?” After sitting in the pew for the last six months I was ready to serve and maybe it was in the children’s ministry? Then I thought, “I am not even a member of this church, how can I get involved?”

The next morning was an early morning, prayer service for men. I had been attending them. I quietly sat in the back and prayed. When prayer was over and as I was leaving the children’s pastor, who I had never met, grabbed me. He commented, “Brother, as I was praying this morning I noticed you and the Lord directed me to ask you something. We have a need in our ministry to young boys called Royal Rangers. Is the Lord, speaking anything to you about getting involved in children’s ministry?”

I was shocked! I guess this was one of the first times that God had answered my prayer and it happened so quickly! Pastor Scott was the childrens pastor’s name. I shared with him how I had just prayed the night before about getting involved in children’s ministry. I then informed him that I was not a member yet. He was probably jumping up and down on the inside but calmly told me to pray some more to be sure and get back with him. Getting volunteers in children’s ministry is always a chore and I am sure he wanted to grab me right away but he used wisdom and patience.

I did pray some more and the next thing I knew I was becoming a member of Bethel Assembly of God and was soon to be serving as a Commander in the Royal Rangers Ministry. I was now involved in the fulfillment of the call of God on my life. There was more training and experience to follow but once I answered the call God made provision for all of that.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I got born again beside my bed after just getting done throwing up, after being beaten up, which led me to look up. My life had steadily spun downward until this point. I had been laid off for over a year from working on the railroad. A relationship, in which I was engaged, was heading nowhere. The only good thing happening in my life was a part time janitor’s job working at the local Catholic Church.

My brother got married and started a family while he was still very young. I was a young uncle and I loved spending time with my nieces. I would take them to the zoo and other outings. As a young adult I enjoyed playing with young children. They seemed to really enjoy me too. I am embarrassed to say that I lived with my parents until I was twenty-eight years old. During that time neighborhood children would come knocking at my mom’s door asking if I could play in the yard with them. I guess they saw me as a big brother or maybe a fatherly figure.

Immediately after I prayed to receive Christ I got a stirring to leave home. It was about time! I would still go out with friends and drink but something had changed, it was not fun like it used to be. I felt guilt while sitting at the bars. I sold my hunting rifles and had just enough money to drive to Virginia to start a new life. I packed what little I had into my van and off I went. I was staying at a campground in Virginia Beach. I almost headed back to Pennsylvania when I was filling out a job application and realized that I had no address or phone number to put on the application. It was then that I remembered a friend from high school who was living nearby in Norfolk, Virginia. I called him and told him of my situation. He said I could use his couch until I could secure a job and another place to stay.

One of the priests from the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania referred me to his uncle who had a management position at the Newport News Shipbuilding Company. I met him at his house to fill out the application and within a week I had a job at the Shipyard!

During my time working at the Catholic Church I converted to Catholicism. I did this for two reasons. First, the girl I was engaged to was Catholic. Second, I was feeling a need to know God and the influence of the Capuchin Priests made it a logical choice to convert. They were so kind to me even when I showed up to work hung over. I did not know then what “Charismatic” meant but I now realized that they were “Charismatic Catholics.”

I started attending a Catholic Church in Newport News, Virginia. I had developed many Catholic friends in Pennsylvania and had good fellowship with them. I tried to find the same kind of relationships in Virginia but it was not the same. Western Pennsylvania was predominantly Catholic while Virginia was predominantly Southern Baptist and Pentecostal. The Catholic Church I was attending was not as alive and welcoming as what I had found in Pennsylvania. I was lonely and trying to find Godly friends. The relationship I was in was rocky before I left and trying to keep it going four hundred miles away was not working.

My so-called fiancĂ© in Pennsylvania had left the Catholic church and said she was now “born again” and attending a Christian Assembly Church. This was huge as she was a born and raised Italian Catholic. That just does not happen! When she told me this there was a peace in her spirit that had never been there before. Her dad died of cancer and she was bitter with God until now. Although she was definitely changed by this new experience I thought I was comfortable staying a Catholic.

After about a year I got a realtor’s license. I worked at it part time while working full time at the shipyard. The shipyard was good steady work but the recession was ending and the strong military population in Southwest Virginia made the real estate business start to increase. Being tired from working two jobs I woke up late one Sunday morning and rushed off to attend Catholic mass. On my way to mass I passed a church called Warwick Assembly of God. The word “Assembly” caught my attention. I thought about the new church my fiancĂ© was attending. I was late for mass so I turned around and decided to see what she was in to.

There was a man at the door with a huge smile greeting people as they entered. He extended his hand to me and with a strong southern accent he said “Welcome Brother!” My defensive response was, “I am a Catholic!”
“Never mind, we love Catholics around here.” He exclaimed as he ushered me in and introduced me to the elderly pastor and his wife. They were just as nice as he. What a sweet old couple. The pastor’s wife tried to help me find a seat up front but I quickly took the back seat by the door so I could escape as soon as they would leave me alone.

I said earlier that I had no idea what “Charismatic” meant and I sure did not know what “Pentecostal” was about! For some reason I did not leave. Everything on the outside wanted to but everything on the inside said “stay.. The music started and they clapped with the music. Some of them had their hands raised high in the air and were waving them. The music did not stop but the singing did and they in confusion. When the music did stop one man started shouting like he was the preacher and said, “Thus sayeth the Lord!” I felt like I wanted to get out that door but something or somebody kept me there. This was all kind of strange but I was not afraid. I sensed goodness through all of this confusion. The preacher finally did preach and he sure was a lot longer than the priest’s homilies. Yet it was interesting. At the end he asked everyone to bow their heads and close their eyes. The next thing I knew he was talking to me and about me in front of all those people. Before I knew it, I was standing up front with him, crying my eyes out and praying a prayer with him.

Looking back I know that I asked Jesus in my heart beside my bed in Pennsylvania. The Catholics did not teach about being “born again” so I like to say that in that little Assembly of God church I got born again again.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Our family attended the local Methodist church in our small town in western Pennsylvania. We attended regularly until I was ten years old. My parents would go the adult service and my brother, sister and I would go to the Sunday school. I remember my class being incredibly boring! I was a kid who loved to be active and play outside. I did well in public school but I dreaded going to Sunday school.

The Sunday school teacher for my class was the typical teacher of that time. She was probably in her late fifties. She had grey hair that was always in a little bun. She always had a sweater and a long skirt on. Later when I went to Junior High School I was surprised to find out she was our school librarian. I remember her being very nice, probably too nice. The other boys in the class were very mischievous and noisy but she never seemed to get too upset with them. In fact the class was always out of order and the boys made fun of her constantly.

The class was in a multi-purpose area of the church. The rooms were separated by a folding partition that was not sound proof. You could hear all the other classes going on at the same time. Some classes were singing, some were reciting Bible verses and to me it all sounded very confusing. There was an old piano in our section and the teacher would play while she tried to lead us in songs from the adult hymnal. The room was obviously used for other classes and purposes so there was nothing on the painted block walls. I remember even the color of the paint was boring. It was pale and faded green. We did have a window in our class that looked out to the main street of the town. The cars going by was the main thing that kept any of my interest.

The teacher taught from a Sunday school manual. She read directly from the manual and she seemed to follow it exactly. She would have the students read from the King James Version of the Bible. Many of kids read poorly and did even worse with all the “Thee’s and Thou’s .” I remember it being so grueling as each child had to read a section. Afterwards she would ask questions.

Some of the stories did catch my attention but it was not due to any creative ways of teaching or dramatic flare as the other children read. I liked the stories and I felt something special or holy as we read them, especially the ones about Jesus. At the same time it was still very boring to me.

I remember complaining each Sunday morning as my parents would get us out of bed to get ready for church. Obviously, my brother was having the same experience as me. He also complained and being older his complaints were a little louder. My sister was four years younger and I cannot remember if she complained or not? I think she went to church with my parents each week. I am not sure if it was our complaining or if it was the pastor visiting our home and offending my dad by asking for a donation for the building fund, but one day we just quit going to church.

At fifteen years old I stole some of my father’s liquor. I joined some friends who did the same. We gathered down by the creek near our house. I got drunk for the first time. We had fun and we thought we were very cool that we accomplished this without getting caught.

This was the beginning of a young life that was very lost until I found the Lord at twenty-eight years old. I became an alcoholic. For the next thirteen years I was an alcoholic and a drunk. If I had one drink or one beer it always led to more. I started smoking pot very heavily at sixteen years old. I dabbled with some narcotics but mostly it was pot, beer and liquor. I drove many miles while stone drunk. Thank God I did not kill anyone or even myself. At twenty-eight years old I hit bottom. I had quit the drugs but I was a full-fledged alcoholic. I was in a bad relationship. A recession had hit the USA and I was unemployed. It was the mercy of God that got me a part time job as a janitor in a Catholic church. It was there that some kind Capuchin priests befriended me and started to point me to a relationship with Jesus that saved my soul and saved my life.

The big “What if?” What if the nice but boring Sunday school teacher had made a little extra effort to make the class interesting to a bunch of ten year olds. Maybe if the room was more welcoming with some fun pictures or colorful posters. This was the mid sixties so I am sure there had to be some good Sunday school curriculum with visuals. What if we sang some kidsy type Sunday school songs instead of singing out of an adult hymnal? What if we read out of a Bible that was easier to read and understand than the King James Version?

Would have I enjoyed it enough to not complain to my parents every Sunday morning? Did those complaints help my dad make the decision to quit taking us to church?

I do not blame the Sunday school teacher for my lost years. Perhaps I would have complained even if it were fun and interesting. Nobody is to blame for my sinful life but me. I am not a victim and the only thing I can say is thank God that He rescued me and saved me before it was too late.

There is that possibility that if the classes were relevant, fun and interesting that maybe my brother and I would have begged our parents to keep going to church. Perhaps my teenage years and into my twenties might have been different.

This is the reason I have been involved in children’s ministry for over twenty years. This is the reason I am so passionate to develop children’s ministries that are fun, exciting, relevant and a place where they will meet and know Jesus, my Savior.

My mission is to help churches develop a children’s church that the kids run to and bring their friends to because it is everything but boring. Kids church and Sunday school should be one of the most exciting times in a child’s week. My hope is that my efforts to develop this kind of ministry for children has preserved many a children from going through the lost years that I experienced.

I hope that my efforts to make Sunday morning children’s church and Sunday school a place where kids want to be has preserved many a child from living the lost years that I went through. Perhaps by striving to make that hour on Sunday morning special that lives have been changed and saved.

I hope as you read this book you catch my passion. There will be some practical applications that you can learn and duplicate but mostly I hope that you understand the “Why” of what I try to do. Someone once said if you know the “Why” you figure out the “How”.

Today’s world is full of things that will capture the attention of the children. We will never compete with video games and media, but with some extra effort and sincere care we can communicate the love of Jesus in ways that are relevant to the way children receive and learn.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Leadership Keys

People you lead want to know:

1. That you will go first and lead by example.

2. That you only ask them to do what you have done or are willing to do.

3. That you will teach them to do what you have already done.

4. That their success is more important to you than your success.

5, That they will get credit for their accomplishments.

6. That you will celebrate their success.

From John Maxwell's "Everyone Communicates Few Connect"